In order to once again bring some encouragement to those who are unable or less likely to access the internet, we have produced and printed a short Advent Reflections Leaflet and sent copies out to nearly 200 people on our mailing list.
Please do enjoy using or sharing this electronic version of the Leaflet by downloading and printing, or viewing page by page on your screen:
Note: you will need to print this in landscape, and if double-sided, choose ‘flip on short edge’.
Use this version to see a page by page view.
Other Advent Resources
Visit Emmaus Productions for lots of reflective videos for Advent in a time of pandemic. There are some for children as well.
Listen to 45 minutes of Advent Hymns with Organ Music
Lots of lovely resources on the Loyola Press website too.
I am sure you will find may other resources and reflections to help you ‘prepare the Way’ during the rest of Advent. ‘He is coming!’