‘When you pass through the waters, I will be with you’ – a helpful booklet

We have produced a short booklet containing both practical information, tips for coping with our current situation, and prayers and poems to uplift and encourage. Recognising that many older people may not have email or are less familiar with using the internet, here at GOG we decided to put together… Continue reading

Living and Dying Well – some useful websites and books

As we are not able to run the conference at this time, we thought we would remind you of some useful websites and books on the topics of living and dying well. We hope you benefit greatly from exploring this content. Useful Websites for your perusal: The Art of Dying… Continue reading

A GOOD DEATH – reflections from a former hospice chaplain, Revd Tom Lusty

Revd. Tom Lusty, LCI member and Vicar at St Giles, Bramhope reflects on ministry spent as a full-time hospice chaplain in the context of Covid-19. Given the five years I spent inhabiting a hospice on a more or less daily basis I now know that death isn’t all that bad.… Continue reading

POSTPONED “A Matter of Life and Death” conference Weds 18th March

dead flower with seeds in a hand

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS CONFERENCE HAS BEEN POSTPONED. WE HOPE TO REARRANGE IT FOR THE AUTUMN. A day to talk more openly about dying, death and bereavement. This free conference aims to help us see dying as something we can plan for and manage rather than something to fear and… Continue reading