Who, but a saint,
Would know so clearly
That the journey is the reality,
The steps are sight,
The effort is reward,
The seeing is the searching,
The dream is the reality?
Seeking God is seeing God.
Julian of Norwich
Revd. Tom Lusty, LCI member and Vicar at St Giles, Bramhope reflects on ministry spent as a full-time hospice chaplain in the context of Covid-19. Given the five years I spent inhabiting a hospice on a more or less daily basis I now know that death isn’t all that bad.… Continue reading
On behalf of the trustees of Growing Old Gracefully I am pleased to let you know that Rhoda Wu will be working for us for 14 hours a week for at least a year. Rhoda shares some of her background below: ‘I am excited to get to know people in… Continue reading
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS CONFERENCE HAS BEEN POSTPONED. WE HOPE TO REARRANGE IT FOR THE AUTUMN. A day to talk more openly about dying, death and bereavement. This free conference aims to help us see dying as something we can plan for and manage rather than something to fear and… Continue reading
Need some help to ensure your church or Parish Hall is more Age and Dementia Friendly? Time to Shine have developed a detailed and useful guide for businesses and organisations to support and encourage you to take action to become age and dementia friendly. Continue reading
Recently Fr Diarmuid O’ Murchu spoke to many of us from around the country about imagining the Church of the future. One of the major themes he developed was that wise Elders (older people) are key, alongside younger people, to empower the Church of the future.We older people have a… Continue reading
On my way back from a recent Growing Old Gracefully related meeting I serendipitously listened to a Radio 4 Food programme called: “What’s so Special about the Food our Grandmothers Cook?” It recounted some of the tasty and not so tasty meals grandchildren had experienced from grandmothers. The programme reflected… Continue reading
Thelma Laycock lives in Leeds and has been a supporter of Growing Old Gracefully since it began. Although she has always written poetry, since retiring from teaching it has become one of the most important aspects of her life. She has published 4 anthologies of poetry and has had work… Continue reading
If you didn’t see it when first published then this is an interesting article to read about death and dying. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/jun/25/soul-midwives-felicity-warner-end-of-life-care Continue reading
A reflection from John O’Donohue about kindness to ourselves as we grow older. This is taken from a Facebook post asnd is a short extract fro his book Anam Cara. Continue reading
Who, but a saint,
Would know so clearly
That the journey is the reality,
The steps are sight,
The effort is reward,
The seeing is the searching,
The dream is the reality?
Seeking God is seeing God.
Julian of Norwich