Christians on Ageing – AGM and Spring Conference

Christians on Ageing are hosting their annual general meeting and spring conference at the Bar Convent in York on 30th of April 2025. Christians on Ageing is a Christian voice for older people and works for a society in which older people are heard, supported and valued..

The day will be focusing on celebrating the gifts and potential of later life and helping churches and others to develop activities which contribute to facilitating other peoples spiritual growth.

The keynote speaker will be Reverend Dr. Chris Swift, recently appointed as Director of the Leeds Church Institute and previously Director of Chaplaincy and Spirituality at Methodist Homes.

It is a free event open to anyone interested in later life and older people ministry.

To book a place please use this link:

Glimpses of Hope – online event

The first of the Doorways of Hope series of online events is is Glimpses of Hope, on Tuesday 18th March, 2:30pm to 3:30pm,

Paula Shanks and Monseigneur Donal Lucey &will explore the the theme of ‘Springtime’ to explore how we can awaken to the invitation to be renewed in hope. A hope rooted in God who chooses to be with us in how things are, where we are.  

Over the course of the three hour long talks and reflections, Paula and Mgr. Lucey will explore the invitation to be ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ and will offer ways of noticing the nature and presence of hope, what it means to live this hope and how we can share hope with others in our ordinary, daily lives. 

Please do join us for Glimpses of Hope on Tuesday 18th March, just email

Dementia Friends – free online training sessions

Growing Old Grace-fully, together with Age Friendly Leeds, are hosting two online sessions to support people to become Dementia Friends.

This online training is aimed at all those who want to make their communities and parishes more dementia friendly, for the families and friends of people living with dementia and anyone with caring duties. It also works for anyone who simply wants to understand dementia and learn better how to support and communicate with people living with it.

The two stand alone sessions are as follows:

  • Monday 10th March 2:30 – 3:30 pm 
  • Tuesday 29th April, 7:00 – 8:00pm. 

The two sessions are the same. Each one is open to all, but places are limited so please book one of the slots by emailing

Become a Dementia Friend

Dementia Friends is an Alzheimer’s Society initiative, see

It helps by raising awareness and understanding, so that people living with dementia can continue to live in the way they want. Too many people affected by dementia feel that society fails to understand the condition they live with.

A Dementia Friend is somebody that learns about dementia so they can help their community, workplace or family be more dementia friendly. 

You can become a Dementia Friend by attending either of the two training sessions, do book today.

Online Resources

We have many online resources to support parishes be dementia friendly and these are found here:

In October we held an online session Spiritually Accompanying People with Dementia led by Rev. Dr. Joseph Cortis, co-author of Journeying Together: accompanying people living with dementia. The video and a summary of the session is available online here:

Growing Old Grace-fully

Video from Finding Hope in Community and Parish Life

Growing Old Grace-fully has been hosting a series of six online events in 2024, on a variety of different themes exploring later life. The sixth and final of these events was Finding Hope in Community and Parish Life, which was on Tuesday 19th November 2024.

The session had three presentations from people who have found hope in parish life or a Christian community group – Susan Clarkson, Maureen Crossley and Carol Burns – and prayers and reflections.

The video of this session is available to watch on YouTube here.

Video and resources from ‘Spiritually Accompanying People with Dementia’ online session

On Tuesday 22nd October, we held the 5th Growing Old Grace-fully online session of 2024, Spiritually Accompanying People with Dementia led by Rev. Dr. Joseph Cortis, co-author of Journeying Together: accompanying people living with dementiaDeacon Joe has a background in adult and mental health nursing which includes a long period as an educational manager, academic and senior lecturer at the University of Leeds. He is a Trustee of Growing Old Grace-fully and a Deacon of the Diocese of Leeds.

The session explored ways to provide spiritual support to individuals living with dementia as well as our own spiritual journey with them as a loved one. It includes prayers and reflections, as well as ideas as to accompany and support someone living with dementia from a spiritual perspective.

It was a very powerful session and we thank Deacon Joe for leading it.

You can watch the whole session on YouTube here.

There is a one page summary of the session, produced by Deacon Joe, that you can download here.

Further Resources

For those who would like to read it, the book, by Rev. Dr. Joe Cortis & Dr. Pia Matthews can be ordered here.

In addition, in 2019 Deacon Joe led a Dementia Awareness workshop, which can be found on the Caritas Leeds website here.

This page also links to several useful resources and links, regarding dementia.

Online event – Spiritually Accompanying People Living With Dementia

Growing Old Grace-fully‘s 5th online event of 2024 is Spiritually Accompanying People Living With Dementia on Tuesday 22nd October, 7:00-8:00pm.  This is part of the series of online events How to be more Later Life Friendly in our parishes.

The Zoom event, looking at the theological significance of dementia, is led by Rev. Dr. Joseph Cortis, co-author of Journeying Together: accompanying people living with dementia. Deacon Joe has a background in adult and mental health nursing which includes a long period as an educational manager, academic and senior lecturer at the University of Leeds. He is a Trustee of Growing Old Grace-fully.

Whether you are a spouse, family member, friend or caregiver, this event is designed to explore ways to provide spiritual support to individuals living with dementia as well as our own spiritual journey with them as a loved one.

The session will include prayers and reflections, as well as ideas as to accompany and support someone living with dementia from a spiritual perspective.

To attend, reserve a free ticket on Eventbrite here.  

A Zoom link will be circulated to all ticket holders in advance of the event.

For those who would like to read it, the book, by Rev. Dr. Joe Cortis & Dr. Pia Matthews can be ordered here.

Video and resources from ‘Hope in Later Life’ online session

Image by FreePik

On Thursday 26th September, we held the 4th Growing Old Grace-fully online session of 2024, Hope in Later Life led by Paula Shanks and Father Donal Lucey.

It was a very powerful reflection and we thank Paula and Fr Donal for leading it.

You can watch the whole session on YouTube here.

There is a one page summary produced by Paula here.

Silver Sunday – 6th October 2024

Silver Sunday is a national day in the UK celebrating older people, organised by held Age UK. It is held on the first Sunday in October and this year it will be Sunday 6th October. In the UK, it is also national Grandparents’ Day on the first Sunday in October, so a double celebration related to later life and older people and the contribution they make to society.

As part of the Silver Sunday celebrations, organisations put on special events that welcome older people – particularly those who may be lonely or isolated. Age UK lists official events on its website here.

Growing Old Grace-fully supports Silver Sunday (and Grandparents’ Day) and sees the first Sunday in October as an important opportunity to celebrate later life and to do so in our parishes and communities.

Silver Sunday and Grandparents’ Day gives every parish the opportunity to dedicate a Mass or Masses to older people, to include something in the parish bulletin and to perhaps include a bidding prayer. Some parishes organise events after Mass or in the afternoon. Grandchildren could also be invited to attend Mass with their grandparents.

Do speak to your parish priest about doing something to commemorate Silver Sunday and UK Grandparents’ Day.

Here is a prayer for Silver Sunday and Grandparents’ Day:

Prayer for Silver Sunday and UK Grandparents’ Day

Heavenly Father,

On this special day, as we celebrate Silver Sunday and Grandparents’ Day, we ask your blessings upon all older members of our parish, our community and our society. We thank you for the blessing of later life and for all the wisdom, knowledge and love given and received. 

On a day to celebrate all older people and later life, we pray that we and all of our community and wider society will continue to honour and cherish older people and to celebrate their hugely important contribution over many years to family life, the Church, their local community, society and the wider world. 

We also pray for organisations like Age UK, the organisers of Silver Sunday and thank them for the opportunity to celebrate older people in the UK and their huge importance to our nation and our society. We also pray for all Age UK volunteers and all volunteers of all charities, pressure groups and third sector organisations focused on older people and later life, many of whom are older people themselves. 

On UK Grandparents’ Day, bless all grandparents who have shaped our families with their faith, patience, and care. May they continue to be a source of strength, love, and wisdom for generations to come.

We pray for those who feel lonely, isolated or forgotten in later life. Lord, fill their hearts with peace and remind them of their great dignity and value. Open the hearts of people of all ages to seek to include, engage and cherish older people in their parishes and their communities, including those who don’t have regular contact with families and friends.  

Through the intercession of St Anthony of Padua, Patron Saint of Older People, St. Jeanne Jurgan, a patron saint of older people and older destitute people, and Saints Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus, we ask for your blessings and grace upon all older people, today and always.

We ask this in the name of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.


Online event – Hope in Later Life

The fourth of Growing Old Grace-fully‘s 2024 online sessions is Hope in Later Life on Thursday 26 September, 2:30pm with Fr Donal Lucey and Paula Shanks. 

The session, with reflections and music, will be led by Father Donal and Paula.

Fr. Donal is a retired Catholic priest of the Leeds Diocese, he was latterly parish priest in Garforth and in Harrogate and is the Chaplain to Faith and Light. Paula has a background in teaching and is trained in Ignatian spiritual accompaniment.

To reserve your place, please book a free ticket on Eventbrite here.  

The session will start at 2:30pm and finish at 3:30pm, a Zoom link will be circulated to all attendees.

The next two online sessions will be on these dates:

  • Tuesday 22nd October – 7:00-8:00pm – Spiritually Accompanying People Living with Dementia
  • Tuesday 19th November – 2:30-3:30pm – Finding Joy and Hope in Community and Parish Life

Resources from ‘Learning from Each Other’ online session

Image by Freepik

The third of Growing Old Grace-fully‘s 2024 online sessions was Learning From Each Other, hearing about great work already happening in the Diocese of Leeds.

The session heard from the following people, who we warmly thank for their time and input.

Each presentation is available online here:

* Maureen Connolly from Immaculate Heart Parish, Huddersfield spoke about activity happening at Immaculate Heart of Mary parish, Huddersfield. Her presentation is here.

* Breda Theakston from the Elizabeth Prout Bereavement Centre, talked about the work of the centre and how they offer bereavement support and how to access it, her presentation is here.

* Andrew Winfield from the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) at St John Vianney Parish, Leeds gave an account of the monthly Celebrating Later Life event at Immaculate Heart Church in Moortown, his presentation is here.

Please do access these resources and feel free to share them.

Growing Old Grace-fully