Video from Finding Hope in Community and Parish Life

Growing Old Grace-fully has been hosting a series of six online events in 2024, on a variety of different themes exploring later life. The sixth and final of these events was Finding Hope in Community and Parish Life, which was on Tuesday 19th November 2024.

The session had three presentations from people who have found hope in parish life or a Christian community group – Susan Clarkson, Maureen Crossley and Carol Burns – and prayers and reflections.

The video of this session is available to watch on YouTube here.

Online Event – Finding Hope in Community and Parish Life

Growing Old Grace-fully‘s has been hosting a series of six online events in 2024, on a variety of different themes exploring later life.

The sixth and final of these events is on Finding Hope in Community and Parish Life on Tuesday 19th November. This afternoon session will start at 2.30pm and finish at 3.30pm.

This final session of the series evokes the hopefulness of Advent, which is just around the corner and also looks forward to the Jubilee Year of Pilgrims of Hope in 2025 as announced by Pope Francis.

The session will involve some examples of people who have found hope in parish life or a Christian community group; a chance to share in smaller groups people’s stories of hope and joy; and prayers and reflections.

To attend, reserve a free ticket on Eventbrite here.  

A Zoom link will be circulated to all ticket holders in advance of the event.