Whether you think you may have dementia yourself, or you’re caring for someone that has dementia, there are many options to get help and advice, both at the beginning of the journey and throughout the journey as the dementia changes and progresses.
However, remember that if you have seen some signs of possible dementia (in yourself or others), don’t hesitate to ask the doctor for an assessment and diagnosis, which will ensure suitable treatment and access to other services.
Dementia Connect support line
0333 150 3456 (local rate)
- Monday to Weds 9am – 8pm
- Thursday/Friday 9am – 5pm
- Saturday/Sunday 10am – 4pm
Or use their LIVE ONLINE ADVICE SERVICE which is usually open in the mornings 9 – 2pm, and evenings 6 – 8pm on weekdays.
Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline
0800 888 6678 (free)
- Monday to Friday: 9am to 9pm
- Saturday to Sunday: 9am to 5pm
- Open Bank Holidays, except Christmas Day
Age UK Advice Line 0800 678 1602
Lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year
Carer’s UK Helpline 0808 808 7777
Monday to Friday 9am – 6pm