What to expect
Leeds Dementia Action Alliance are very excited to share their plans. Below you will find a general summary for the day.
The last item: ‘Dementia Awareness Session’ is for people who are not dementia friends or would like a refresher. If you are a dementia friend already, the event will end after 3:40pm.
1. Sketch
For the first item on the agenda, Leeds Arts Centre are presenting first hand stories by people with dementia of their experiences of being out and about in Leeds.
2. Reflection/taking action
After the sketch, time has been set aside to reflect with colleagues and other businesses / organisations, on how can to make practical changes to services provided to be more inclusive of clients living with dementia?
3. Sharing learning
Leeds Admiral Nurses will share a perspective on dementia, followed by Leeds Dementia Action Alliance (LDAA) members sharing their actions to become more dementia friendly, and what this meant for their business/organisation.
Note: if you would like to share with others your actions and achievements, please contact
4. Networking
Time to have a chat with others, sign up to Leeds DAA, update your actions, book a dementia friends session for your staff or volunteers.
5. Dementia Awareness session
To book for this reply to .The last 45 minutes of our event will be dedicated to a Dementia Friends session. You will learn a bit more about dementia and the everyday ways you can help. You will become a dementia friend and get your badge.