It has been a long-standing tradition that especially during Lent, we are encouraged to meditate on and pray the Stations of the Cross. Indeed Stations of the Cross are a prominent feature of any Catholic Church globally.
The Passion and Death of Our Lord needs to be seen equal to the importance of the Resurrection, which is the principal belief of Christianity.
Hence it is appropriate to reflect upon the events, recorded in the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles in the period from the Resurrection of the Lord until Pentecost (the birthday of the Church). This whole period of 50 days is known as Eastertide.
The devotions of Holy Week are directed to the Resurrection which is, as St. Paul says, the basis of our Faith. If we are united with our Lord in his Passion and death, we share in His Resurrection. If we are with Him in his Holocaust on Calvary, we accompany Him in His glory. (St. Josemaria Escriva)
Opening Prayer:
Father we praise you with joy when Christ became our Paschal Sacrifice. By dying He destroyed our Death; by rising He restored our Life.
Title of the Station:
Please see details below with the appropriate scripture reading, hence you will need access to the New Testament.
V: We adore you Lord and praise you.
R: Because by your death and resurrection you give life to the world.
Scripture Reading:
Spend a short period reflecting on the reading.
Pray: Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.
V: Jesus, the Lord is Risen R: Alleluia, Alleluia.
Titles of Each Station and relevant scripture reading:
First Station: Jesus rises from the dead. (Matthew 28:1-7)
Second Station: The Disciplines find the empty tomb. (John 20:1-9)
Third Station: The Risen Lord appears to Mary Magdalen. (John 20:11-18)
Fourth Station: The Risen Lord appears to two disciples on the Road to Emmaus. (Luke 24:13-19,25-27)
Fifth Station: The Risen Lord reveals himself at the breaking of bread. (Luke 24:28-35)
Sixth Station: The Risen Lord appears to his disciples: (Luke:24:36-43)
Seventh Station: The Risen Lord gives the power to forgive sins. (John:20:19-23)
Eight Station: The Risen Lord confirms the faith of Thomas. (John 20:24-29)
Ninth Station: The Risen Lord meets his disciples on the shore of Galilee. (John 21:1-9,13)
Tenth Station: The Risen Lord confers primacy on Peter. (John 21:15-17)
Eleventh Station: The Risen Lord entrusts to his disciples His mission to the world. (Matthew 28:16-20)
Twelfth Station: The Risen Lord ascends to the Father. (Acts: 1:6-11)
Thirteenth Station: Waiting for the Holy Spirit with Mary the Mother of Jesus. (Acts 1:12-14)
Fourteenth Station: The Risen Lord sends the Holy Spirit to the disciples. (Acts 2:1-6)
Closing prayer After the 14th Station:
Father around your throne the Saints, our brothers and sisters, sing your praise forever. Their glory fills us with joy and their communion with us in the Church gives us inspiration and strength as we hasten on our pilgrimage of faith, eager to meet them.
Rev. Dr. Joseph D Cortis
March 2024