Pentecost is a remarkable occasion that holds profound meaning for believers around the world. It encompasses a multitude of themes – a time of renewal, new beginnings, and the courage bestowed upon the first Christian community. In the book of Acts, we witness how Pentecost invigorated the apostles, inspiring them to continue the important work of Jesus.
Described vividly in Acts, the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles in the form of flames of fire and a powerful wind. To better grasp the significance of this divine event, individuals living with dementia were asked to describe the characteristics of wind and fire. Their responses were remarkably insightful:
Uncontrollable. Powerful. Sometimes strong, sometimes gentle. Necessary for life. Always moving things. Always changing.
These descriptions strikingly align with the essence of the Holy Spirit, revealing its dynamic and transformative nature.
However, this year, my thoughts were drawn to the words of Peter as he addressed the crowds, referencing the words of the Prophet Joel (Acts 2:17):
“In the last days,” God says, “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young will see visions. Your elders will dream dreams.”
These prophetic words echo the profound truth that the outpouring of God’s Spirit during Pentecost is a resounding declaration that God does not abandon individuals in their old age or forsake them when they are frail and weak. On the contrary, God’s Spirit is poured out on all, irrespective of age or station in life.
This revelation presents a compelling challenge to all of us. It reminds us that we are one community, where young and old can collaborate and contribute in their unique ways. Each generation possesses invaluable insights and gifts that, when shared, foster unity, understanding, and progress.
Let us embrace the teachings of Pentecost, recognising that we are all interconnected in God’s divine plan. As we come together, drawing from the wisdom of the older generation and the vision of the young, we can forge a path towards renewal, revitalisation, and a future brimming with hope.
May Pentecost serve as a constant reminder that we are bound together by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Together, we can create a harmonious symphony, where every voice is heard, valued, and celebrated, leading us towards a world where love, compassion, and understanding prevail.
Carol Burns
Chair, Growing Old Grace-fully
A Prayer at Pentecost
Come Holy Spirit,
enter our silences.
Come Holy Spirit,
into the depths of our longing.
Come Holy Spirit,
our friend and our lover.
Come Holy Spirit,
unmask our pretending.
Come Holy Spirit,
sustain our weakness.
Come Holy Spirit,
redeem our creation.
Enter our trusting,
enter our fearing,
enter our letting go,
enter our holding back.
Flood our barren spaces,
make fertile our deserts within.
Break us and heal us,
liberator of our desires .
Come Holy Spirit.
Embrace us and free us.
(Neil Thew 1990 from “Bread of Tomorrow”, edited by Janet Morley)