Transition into Later Life is a two-day course aimed at anyone who is thinking about retirement soon, or in a few years, and wants to prepare positively for the coming changes is being offered in Leeds in April and June.
Leeds Older People’s Forum “Time to Shine” is offering an opportunity for staff aged 55 and older to attend a Transition into Later Life training course, developed with funding from the Gulbenkian Foundation.
Maybe you have chosen to retire, or are thinking about when you might leave your present job. Maybe you are glad to go, maybe you’re dreading all that freedom or perhaps you are planning a new career in something you love!
This course offers a gentle way to explore, with others going through the same thing, what the years ahead could look like to you and what you can do to make it happen.
Courses during 2019 will be on April 15 & 16th, and June 14 & 17th
If you would like to know more please email or ring Jessica Duffy 0113 2441697
The cost is greatly subsidised by Time to Shine Lottery Funding so will cost only £40 to those working for NGOs, £60 to those working for Public Bodies and SMEs and £80 to those working for those working for large businesses.